Organic flaxseed crushed

Schälmühle Nestelberger

Organic flaxseed crushed

Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Palmölfrei, Vegan

Flaxseeds are a superfood that cannot be missed these days. Nestelberger's organic linseeds come from controlled organic cultivation. Centuries ago, flaxseeds were used as medicine because they are a source of vital nutrients. The superfood is not only rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, but also contains plenty of proteins, iron, magnesium, zinc and valuable vitamins.

Crushed linseeds can be used well for breakfast in muesli or porridge. You can also bake bread from soaked flaxseeds or use them as an egg substitute in vegan baking recipes. You can also add flaxseeds to shakes and smoothies to thicken the consistency and increase the satiety effect. Their fine, nutty taste is an enrichment for many dishes.

2,49 €
Vč. 10% DPH

330 gr |
(1 kg 7,55 €)

Nyní skladem

Art.Nr.: 443933#1.000


Produktname: Organic Flaxseed - 250g

Lagerung: Kühl, trocken und lichtgeschützt lagern.

Kontakt: Schälmühle Nestelberger Naturprodukte GmbH/ Naarntalstraße 9/ A-4320 Perg/ Austria.

* Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass das Produktdesign von der Abbildung abweichen kann.

Složení a alergeny

Organic crushed flaxseed.

Nutriční hodnoty

100g contain on average
Calorific value (energy): 2058kJ / 498kcal
Fat: 37g
- of which saturated fatty acids: 3,6g
Carbohydrates: 7,7g
- of which sugar: 1,2g
Protein: 22g
Salt: 0g