Mohnhof Gressl
Gray poppy is a type of poppy with light gray seeds and a very fine poppy flavor. Gray poppy is only grown regionally (Waldviertel and Mühlviertel). This type of poppy is also sensitive to mechanical harvesting due to its thin seed coat and can therefore only be harvested with specially adapted combine harvesters. Gray poppy is ideal for all pastries and desserts due to its very fine poppy flavor. (Poppy seed cakes, poppy seed noodles, poppy seed tents,...)
The area around Ottenschlag was awarded the "Waldviertler Mohn" gourmet region in 2005. This name was later changed to "Waldviertler Gray Poppy". This protected brand stands for origin as well as traditional knowledge about cultivation and processing and makes the region and product into one unit.
Product name: Waldviertler Grey Poppy Seeds - 250g
Storage: Keep cool, dry and protected from light.
Contact: Waldviertler Mohnhof / Familie Greßl / Haiden 11/ 3631 Ottenschlag/ Austria.
* Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass das Produktdesign von der Abbildung abweichen kann.
Unground grey poppy seeds.
The area around Ottenschlag was awarded the "Waldviertler Mohn" gourmet region in 2005. This name was later changed to "Waldviertler Gray Poppy". This protected brand stands for origin as well as traditional knowledge about cultivation and processing and makes the region and product into one unit.
Product name: Waldviertler Grey Poppy Seeds - 250g
Storage: Keep cool, dry and protected from light.
Contact: Waldviertler Mohnhof / Familie Greßl / Haiden 11/ 3631 Ottenschlag/ Austria.
* Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass das Produktdesign von der Abbildung abweichen kann.
Unground grey poppy seeds.